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Monday, October 7, 2024

Kitkat212 - "Derpy Do and the Zombies (MLP survivors infection au)" - G4 2D Animation


Kitkat212, a G4 2D animator, recently uploaded a video titled "Derpy Do and the Zombies." If you'd like to find out more, check out the article below!

(Trigger Warning: Horror/Disturbing. Contains blood, zombies, and dark themes)

The story takes place in Kitkat212's MLP survivors infection au (alternate universe) series. Due to a zombie apocalypse inadvertently caused by Discord at the beginning of Season Nine, Equestria's society is in shambles as various ponies try to survive the outbreak.

The video itself involves Daring Do and Derpy Hooves' interactions while periodically searching Equestria for survivors and supplies.

The video begins with A.K. Yearling waking up, though Yearling has partially adopted the mantle of Daring Do following the outbreak.

Fleetfoot confirms to Daring Do, who is brushing her teeth, that her team, which consists of Fleetfoot, Daring, Lightning Dust, and Rolling Thunder, will be heading from the Wonderbolts training camp, where a safe haven for survivors has been set up, to Ponyville due to a zombie sighting.

After arriving in Ponyville, the team searches for supplies, eventually killing a zombie with a bow and arrow.

A short montage plays of Daring Do sleeping, waking up, brushing her teeth, and her team searching for survivors and supplies while dealing with any zombies.

Eventually, while at breakfast, Derpy shows up and sits next to Daring.

After Daring confirms that she is Daring Do (though she asks Derpy to call her A.K.), Derpy confirms her name is Ditzy Do, though everypony calls her "Derpy."

Derpy then reveals that Spitfire has assigned to Derpy to Daring's team and asks Daring about her books.

Daring, however, doesn't think her books are relevant at the moment and as such requests Derpy to ask her another time.

Following this, another short montage of Daring and her team going out on missions plays, with Derpy at a couple of points fishing a teddy bear out of a trash can and fumbling as the team lands on the ground.

Derpy then sits down with Daring for dinner and repeats her questions regarding Daring's books.

After Daring gives her permission to ask, Derpy asks if Daring will write any more Daring Do books. Daring doesn't think so due to the state Equestria is in.

In particular, Daring argues that "Ponies don't need stories like mine." After pressed by Derpy further, Daring argues that the ponies "are living in an actual nightmare" and "are spending all their time on surviving."

On another mission, the team enters an old bookstore, where Daring comes across one of her own Daring Do books being displayed.

Fleetfoot then gushes about finding a copy of the book "Gusty the Great," saying it was her dad's favorite book when she was a filly. Particularly, when Fleetfoot's mother was sick, her dad would read it to her and her siblings every night to make them feel better.

Rolling recommends Fleetfoot take the book with her, which Fleetfoot agrees with. Daring then glances back to her own book displayed on top of the bookshelf, likely reminded of the effects books have on ponies.

The following mission, Daring sees Derpy pocketing a Rubik's, or puzzle, Cube. Upon seeing Daring, Derpy shows it off to Daring.

Derpy gleefully gushes about the puzzle cube, saying that she hopes somepony might like it.  She then reveals that she's been collecting objects to show off to the non-pegasi at the headquarters in order to cheer them up. 

Daring, despite being a bit perplexed at Derpy's behavior, is happy for Derpy.

Derpy then reveals that bringing objects for the other ponies is not just for them, but for her as well as the task allows her to focus on something other than fighting zombies and the feedback she receives from the ponies makes her feel good.

Daring relates to Derpy's feelings, saying she wrote in-between artifact hunting and archaeological expeditions to make the readers happy and pass the time. In particular, she enjoyed hearing all the feedback from readers regarding her books as Daring liked how much readers enjoyed the books, though she also liked hearing how readers could relate to the books as well.

Derpy then reveals that she'd only read part of one Daring Do book due to struggling to read, but in the part that she read Daring Do had broken her wing and as such was unable to fly. Derpy related to the moment as she used to be a really good flyer before she became cross eyed. Seeing Daring be brave and awesome without her wings inspired Derpy to continue doing good as well despite her own wings being impaired.

Inspired, Daring thanks Derpy for sharing her thoughts and assures the latter that somepony will like the Rubik's cube she found.

The following night, Daring Do is unable to sleep and eventually gets up.

That morning, Derpy walks up to the cafeteria table she and Daring have been sitting at only to find Daring missing.

Derpy asks where "A.K." is, only for Lightning to reply that the latter hasn't seen her that morning.

Daring eventually shows up and reveals she's been working on a new Daring Do novel. While the story is a bit short and cover is a bit shoddy due to the hoof-written nature, Derpy is ecstatic that Daring changed her mind about writing further novels.

Daring says that Derpy's words made the former realize that ponies seeing characters go through hardship similar to their own can make them feel less alone.

Lightning counters with the stories not being real, though Daring responds with a simple "So?" that destroys Lightning's point. Lightning then points out that Daring's current attitude towards writing stories counters what she said earlier in the video, which Daring agrees with. However, taking in feedback from other ponies (particularly Derpy) changed her mind on the subject.

Continuing, Daring is unsure if she'll write anymore stories following her most recent one, but she's hopeful for the future.

Daring and Derpy then head to the table where Derpy's been putting all of the objects she collects and places it on the table.

Derpy then says that Daring doesn't have to write anymore books, though if she does make more, she should write them for herself as well.

The video then ends with Derpy pulling out her Rubik's cube and smiling.

The video is extremely enjoyable to watch with its impressive 2D stop motion animation and enjoyable character interactions. It also separates itself from other MLP infection AUs by focusing more on the survivors and how they react to the outbreak rather than the zombies themselves, which are more relegated to the background of the story.

Hopefully Kitkat212 continues their MLP survivors infection au series well into the future!

Be sure to support Kitkat212 by subscribing to their YouTube channel!

For another example of Kitkat212's work, here's their video "I Know You Can Hear Me," where Fluttershy angrily yells out to Discord, who is not seen, about how he could've created a zombie apocalypse and ruined life in Equestria.



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