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Saturday, August 24, 2024

PhilCAnimate - Pegasus Device - Animation

 More Pegasus Device?

You betchya! More info below!

[Content Warning - Grimdark/Blood]

After 3 months of work, PhilCAnimate has released their rendition of a Pegasus Device animation! Following the original story of Rainbow Factory and it's associated stories across the fandom, this animation yet again attempts to depict said events, and very well I might add!

Animated in Adobe Animate 2020 (the evolution of Flash), this wonderful animation is a captivating piece of work, so go check it out!

One more thing I wanted to point out, some shots of the animation seemed to closely mirror the animation done by SinclairDuGore we covered many months ago. While some may think this is a bad thing, I think it is quite the honor for one's ideas to be so good that others want to use them in their own way!

Anywho, go subscribe and leave an encouraging comment to this bean! Even small things like that can brighten someone's day!

-Saphire Systrine


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